Supporting the Agribusiness Department

sample image for placement only

The Cal Poly Agribusiness Dept:
At the Forefront of the Industry

Cal Poly AGB Alumni are at the forefront of the world of Agribusiness.  From the food production trade to the world of finance, one can find Cal Poly AGB Alumni among the industry leaders.  Your contributions enable us to embrace the long-standing tradition of Learn by Doing.  Our faculty maintains the teaching traditions of our past while embracing the advancement of technology in and out of the classroom.  Providing educational innovation requires state-of-the-art equipment and teaching tools for our students.

The next generation of Cal Poly graduates is facing unprecedented challenges as the industry struggles to develop and adapt technology and new innovations which are critical to continued success.

The Agribusiness department’s strong alumni base and faculty networking with industry creates many opportunities for students.  These summer jobs and internships further encourage students to further explore their area of interest with renewed enthusiasm.

We need your help!  Keeping Learn by Doing strong and vibrant requires enthusiastic students, pioneering faculty and cutting edge facilities. Your support of our programs is essential. Please consider making a gift to support our programs.

Agribusiness Funds and Endowments

Funding the Future of Food Production

To stay competitive in the business of agriculture our students must leave Cal Poly with a cutting edge education.  Agribusiness provides a lab and project-based education which requires constant updating of our computer labs and software.  Our top priority therefore is:

#1 New equipment, software upgrades and data sets.

The cost of education has continued to rise over the years, which can be a tremendous hardship to many students.  In order to attract the best and most diverse selection of students to our program, we must find ways of supporting their financial need.  So our next priority is:

#2  Scholarships

In order to provide the best in Learn by Doing education, leading-edge classroom techniques and classroom technology must be available to our faculty. 

#3  Faculty Support

To accomplish these priorities, we must provide these tools:

  • Laboratory Endowments
  • Gifts of Equipment and Technology
  • Endowments for Curriculum Excellence
  • Scholarships/Endowed Professorship

For more information about our giving vehicles, review the fund pages below.





Fund Name

How the funds are used

How to donate

Discretionary Fund

Faculty/Student travel

Industry Relations

Online link

Student and Faculty Support Endowment

Go to the Student & Faculty Support page Onlink link
Learning Center Support Endowment Go to the Learning Center page Online link
Scholarship Endowment Go to the Scholarship Endowment page By mail
Learning Lab Capital Campaign Go to the Learning Center page In-kind donation preferred.  Other donations by mail


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