
The Agricultural Business program emphasizes management preparation for careers in agribusiness as part of the world's food system. The food system encompasses all the direct functions such as inputs to producers, production, processing, distribution, and marketing. Emphasis is placed on support functions such as finance, domestic policy, and international policy. The curriculum is based on a solid background in production agriculture.

AGB Learning Objectives

  • AGB students will exhibit critical thinking and complex problem-solving skills promoting lifelong learning.

  • AGB students will demonstrate strong interpersonal and teamwork skills, as well as the ability to work independently.

  • AGB students will develop technical competency while learning to think in a broader global context.

  • AGB students will act with professionalism, high ethical standards, and respect for diversity and sustainability.

  • AGB students will possess oral and written communication skills that are effective with diverse audiences (employers, employees, industry, and government).

  • AGB students will be industry-ready with skills and knowledge that employers value.

Tentative Course Offerings

Ag Science Electives

AGB Students choose three courses from the following list:

  • AEPS 120, 132, 150, 190, 230, 421
  • ASCI 112, 211, 225, 229, 321
  • BRAE 340, 438
  • DSCI 230, 231
  • FSN 210, 230, 250, 275, 341
  • SS 120, 130, 221, 31, 440

Senior Project

All Cal Poly students are required to do a senior project prior to graduation. The Agribusiness department has two senior project course options for students.

  1.  AGB 462- Applied Agribusiness Problems-(4 units)-Applied Agribusiness Problems-Selection and analysis of agribusiness problems and opportunities in directed group-based projects. Exploration of problems which agribusiness graduate students may encounter in marketing, finance, management and production in the food and fiber industry. Formal report and presentation required. 4 lectures.
  2. For AGB 463 (4 units)-Agribusiness Consulting-Client-centered course where self-managed teams develop solutions to agribusiness problems. Exploration of problems typical to those which agribusiness graduates may encounter in marketing, finance, management and production in the food and fiber industry. Formal report and presentation to client required. 4 lectures.


Change of Major Policy & Procedures

General Guidelines for Changing Majors

  1. Minimum Time at Cal Poly- Students must complete at least one quarter at Cal Poly before requesting a change of major
  2. One Chance to be Accepted- Student who enter into an individualized change of major agreement (ICMA) and do not complete the ICMA requirements will not be eligible to request that major again later in their career at Cal Poly

Minimum Qualifications for Changing into the Agribusiness Major

  1. Completion of three of the following five courses with a grade of C or better:  AGB 212, AGB 214, AGB 260, AGB 301, MATH 221
  2. Achieve a minimum term GPA of 2.8 during the quarter(s) of your ICMA
  3. Must be able to complete degree requirements within a timely manner

Note:  If you are a first-year student, the criteria may include your initial eligibility in lieu of some or all of the above requirements.


Students interested in the Agribusiness major should email  Peer Advisors can assist students with general questions pertaining to the individualized change of major agreement (ICMA) and can make appointments for the student with the Advising Center Director.

Agribusiness Minor Requirements

Minor Application Requirements 

  • At least half of the units must be from upper-division courses (300- or 400-level).
  • At least half of the units must be taken at Cal Poly.*
  • Not more than one-third of the courses in a minor can be graded Credit/No Credit (CR/NC), except for courses that are only offered CR/NC.
  • A minimum 2.000 GPA is required for all units counted for completion of the minor.
  • The minor must be completed prior to, or at the same time as, the requirements for the bachelor’s degree. A major and minor may not be taken in the same degree program, and a minor is not required for a degree.

Agribusiness Minor Course Listing (28 units)

Core Courses

AGB 212 Agricultural Economics  4
AGB 214 Agribusiness Financial Accounting  4
      or BUS 212 Financial Accounting for Nonbusiness Majors   
AGB 301 Food and Fiber Marketing  4
AGB 310 Agribusiness Credit and Finance  4
AGB 369 Ag Personnel Management  4

Elective Courses

Choose 8 units of AGB Courses                                8

Important Notes

  1. At least 2 units must be at the upper division level (300 or 400)
  2.  AGB 101 and AGB 339 will not count as an AGB minor elective 
  3. Consult the for prerequisites to AGB minor elective courses
  4. Elective courses must be within the Agribusiness department (contain AGB prefix) How to Declare an Agribusiness Minor


To apply for the Agribusiness minor, or if you have any questions about the AGB minor, please email Dr. Sean Hurley

Graduate Curriculum - The Agribusiness graduate program has been suspended at this time.

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