Learning Centers


The Agribusiness Learning Centers will be state-of-the art collaborative learning rooms.  The Learning Centers are not just intended to replace aging computers and learning visuals. They are intended be an important component of entire Agribusiness integrated learning effort.   A number of studies have shown that students in collaborative learning groups are more active participants in the learning process. They are more personally engaged and provide opportunities for students to engage in more substantial projects or a larger number of smaller projects than they could achieve individually.

Specifically, the Learning Centers will provide a resource where Learn by Doing will take place and where students continue to gain practical experience to be:

•  Information literate: Students have learned how to learn.

•  Information technology competent: Students have learned how to use quantitative and qualitative software applications, analyze small and big databases, and communicate information that aids in decision-making.

•  Knowledgeable about connecting knowledge and skills:  Students develop critical and creative problem solving skills.

• A collaborative member of diverse groups with differing opinions: Students develop teamwork and collaborative skills.

The Cost

Renovations: $775,000
Furniture: $600,000
Hardware and Software: $1,025,000

Endowment for Maintenance and Updates: $2,500,000


Throughout California, Cal Poly Agribusiness department interns and graduates are well known for coming to their employers with a full set of skills to put to immediate use in the workplace. 

     We will be able to meet future demand for these students by providing an enhanced Learn by Doing environment in our new Learning Centers, utilizing the latest software and equipment on client projects from the very start of their education.

How to Support the Centers

     A gift to our capital campaign will speed construction of our Learning Centers.

     A gift to our Learning Center endowment will assure the technology is kept current in perpetuity.

The Benefits

  The Learning Centers will support:

•   Innovations in teaching
•   Collaborative learning environment
•   Learn by Doing exercises that will
    develop critical and creative thinking
•   Life-Long learning skills
•   Information technology competency.

 Student, Industry, and Donor Benefits

•   Students benefit from having a full set of up-to-date skills to compete in the job market

•   Agribusiness and affiliated firms win by hiring talented graduates who are immediately ready to make contributions to their employers

•   Donors win by be recognized for their contributions to state-of-the-art Learning Centers


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