AGB Computer Requirements

All students entering the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences – either as a first-time freshman or as a transfer student – are expected to have a laptop computer to ensure access to computing capability at all times and in all locations, helping to support student success. The specifications provided below are designed to support students’ computing needs through at least four years of Cal Poly instruction. For additional, department-level computer specifications, please click the link in each department name.

The Cal Poly bookstore offers educational discounts for computing hardware. Students who are experiencing financial hardship and who do not have resources available to purchase a computer can contact the Financial Aid Office to determine if any one-time funding may be available. You should email your request to with the subject line: "CAFES Computer Need." Cal Poly provides a host of IT support resources for students.


Agribusiness Mac or PC 13” or 15” At least full HD screen (1920x1080) Intel Core i5 or Apple M1 16 GB ram 512 GB SSD Dell XPS 15 ~ $1,200  MacBook Pro 13 ~$1,600 

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