Dr. Xiaowei Cai, Ph.D.

Dr. Lindsey M. Higgins, Ph.D.Dr. Cai received her Ph.D. from the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, with major fields in Industrial Organization and Economics of Agriculture. She joined Cal Poly faculty in 2008. Currently, she is Professor and the Director of the Farm Credit Finance and Appraisal program. She teaches Agricultural Economics, Introduction to Agribusiness Finance, and Intermediate Agribusiness Finance.

Dr. Cai has conducted previous research on produce supply chain management, foreign direct investment decisions of multinational food enterprises, oligopsony power of U.S. beef packers, consumer produce purchasing behavior, economic analysis of U.S. dairy industry, and financial feasibility of biofuels investments. Her research work has appeared in numerous peer-reviewed journals such as Agricultural Economics, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, Journal of Food and Agricultural Industrial Organization, Western Economic Forum, International Food and Agribusiness Management, Applied Economics Letters, and etc. Her current studies include potential anti-competitive behavior in the U.S. and global food systems, consumer food purchasing behavior and health outcomes, farmland valuation, and financial modeling.


  • Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • M.S. Nanjing Agricultural University, China
  • B.S. Nanjing Agricultural University, China

Research Interests

  • Agribusiness Finance
  • Industrial Organization
  • Applied Econometrics
  • Applied Microeconomics

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